My practice exists at the intersection of esotericism, art, and healing, and relies heavily on craft and Theosophic research to provide context. I employ esoteric tools such as sympathetic magic, tarot, ritual, crystals, herbs, pendulums, poppet dolls, and other handmade objects. My paintings are paired with objects I’ve crafted that imbue them with metaphysical properties. I make all parts of my work by hand, such as beads, paper, and pendulums.
The Star and two Altar Boxes
Oil on canvas, Ceramic, Pink Pearl, Flourite crystals, Handmade paper
36 x 36 x 1.5 inches

Charging Plates, Pendulums, and a Poppet
Ceramic, assorted Crystals
Clear quartz, citrine, and amethyst points, handmade camelia beads, tigers eye and opalite beads, wire
Muslin, tigers eye, opalite, labradorite pendant, rice, lavender, cloves, rosemary
Dimensions Variable, approximately 24 x 24 x 4 inches.
sympathetic vibrations 1
oil on canvas

Sympathetic Vibrations 2
oil on canvas

Sympathetic Vibrations 3
oil on canvas